Project Case Study

Metis from xpedition

Product branding project for leading Tech business Xpedition, supporting SeeBlue Marketing

Project Overview

Luna supported strategic partners SeeBlue Marketing on the creation of a product brand for one of their clients, Xpedition. We enjoy working with other specialist agencies to add value to their delivery with our branding skills.

This project was to find the right approach for Xpedition to feature the Microsoft Azure data platform for delivery of data insights and the strategic application of data-driven knowledge, to best support their clients' success.


Digital transformation



Services Provided

Product branding

Brand naming

Brand story

Identity design



Business Objectives

Xpedition wanted to increase the profile and visibility of their offer to highlight the value of data as the lifeblood of successful organisations. By using Product Branding under the corporate brand umbrella gives added impact to this key strategic product segment.

"Luna were selected from a pitch review to work with Jensen Hughes for this Mergers & Acquisition project. The primary goal was to seamlessly integrate their UK+Ireland acquisitions into the corporate brand. They were acutely aware that the process if handled badly could impact the local businesses negatively. The brief was not only to ensure that clients viewed the change as well managed, but that the rebranding kept the internal team fully informed and committed."

Bonnie Shepherd

Senior VP Marketing, Jenson Hughes

What Did We Do?

The first stage of the process was to develop the brand name for this key strategic product area. Luna developed a set of alternative naming strategies with the outcome being the decision to use the Metis name. Metis is short, distinctive and memorable. It also allowed us develop a meaningful brand story to support the distinctive positioning.

"Metis, the wife of Greek God Zeus and mother of Athena, is the Goddess of Knowledge. She was one of Zeus' most skilled advisors and often helped him to strategise and make informed decisions. Xpeditions's Metis suite of services and data insight solutions, hinges on the premise that it is the strategic application of data-driven knowledge that is most critical to business success."

The final element of the mix was to develop a set of colour-coded market sector sub-brands for Financial Services, Fashion & Retail and Charities - Xpedition key business markets.

Deliverables Achieved

The objective was to fit a Product Brand into the Xpedition offer without any disruption to the core business. Not having used this approach in the past, it was vital to achieve a higher visibility for the offer and reinforce the company brand itself. Initial feedback is positive and the strategy is being carefully implemented.

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What’s Possible For Your Brand?

We approach every new brand project as bespoke. The business and market context is different for every client project and we tailor each one to reflect this. Our branding capability ensures that your brand is built on rock solid foundations which allows the marketing campaign activity that follows to be more effective.

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